
Showing posts from July, 2005

Microsoft Technology Adopter Challenge

Today, I have finished my second round of the Microsoft Technology Adopter Challenge Feel like great... Did you try?

Connected Systems Competition

Do you Dare? The tag line is really cool... Do you Dare to face the challenge? This is the best place to express your knowledge. Register, and explore to the world

Microsoft Vs Hackers

Did you ever happen to meet your destroyer? Microsoft did... Yes, it did. Recently, Microsoft has conducted a conference. No official information from Microsoft as such about this till date. Microsoft called this conference as, “Blue Hat” – a reference to widely known “Black Hat” security conference To find more details, read the news from CNET Hope that makes Microsoft more secured

WinFX - Programming Interface for Longhorn

Did you ever got to know about WinFX ? Click Here to know about a detailed description byJohn Montgomery, Director, Developer Division Microsoft. Here is the full information with Documentation and Samples Here is the link to Windows Vista Developer Center Finally, here are the Resources for IT Professionals Do you any other links... ?

Native Code Vs MSIL Code

I recently discovered that the code genereated by the .NET compiler, the so called MSIL is very much smaller when compared to that of the runtime code, Native Code. In other words, with reference to the size point of view, the Native code is approx thrice the size of the MSIL code. Any observation as such by you? Pl update me if i'm mistaken or wrong .. Try your self..

HttpWatch Works great for me...

HttpWatch integrates with Internet Explorer to provide unrivalled levels of HTTP monitoring without the need for separately configured proxies or network sniffers. Simply interact with a web site and HttpWatch will display a log of requests and responses alongside the web page itself. It even shows interactions between Internet Explorer and the browser cache. Why dont you try?

Input Masking in T-SQL while using Select statement

The situation is, i have a table with a column length 6 of Char data type. But the data will come with any length, i.e., with 4 chars length or 3 chars length.. For Example, CatName - Length Dany - 4 Chars Sam - 3 Chars Eltone - 6 Chars In the above sitation, how can i have the data, while fetching with a common legth? If you use "select replace(space(6-len(CatName))+CatName),' ','X') from table" you will always get the data with fixed length and padded with 'X' OutPut will be XXDany XXXSam Eltone One of my major problem is solved...

RegisterStartupScript Object Advantage

The main concept of this article is, a window's like message box for Web. The general practice by developers to show a message box by using the script tag along with alert in the Response.Write, like Response.Write("s c r 1 p t > a1ert('hi') / s c r 1 p t"). The main disadvantage of this kind of code is, the page will stop rendering till the user presses "OK" button, during which the background will be white and nothing will be visible. This could cause the client see nothing untill "OK" key is pressed. One can change this behaviour with RegisterStartupStript object. The explanation from MSDN on this object is, this method emits the script just before the closing tag of the Page object's element.. What you benifit out of this? and how can you implement this? The benifit is, the user can see the page and as well the message window. And you can make use of this object with the following example StringBuilder strMsg = new StringBuilder(); ...