Notes on 3rd Day Training

Christopher Richard - Is the faculty for this training

MDX - Multi Dimension eXpression

MDX is a Key to all advanced functionality in Analysis Server

JimRoy Number -- ?

Books To Read to get to know more in detail about OLAPDM -

1) Datawarehouse Toolkit, A complete guide for DM - Ralf Kimble,
Willy Pubs

2) MDX - MDX Solutions for SQL2005 and HyperonSpace - George Spafford,
Willy pubs

Difinitions in OLAP

Slice - Members of one dimension
Dice - Members of more than one dimension display

A Cube can have upto 128 DimensionsMDX can have upto 64 Axes

While fetching the Level name can't preccede the member name

MDX Query
1) select {[Measures].[Order Quantity], [Measures].[Sales Revenue]} on
columns, {[product].[categories].[bikes]} on rows from [quick start
sales view]

OrderQuantity Sales Revenue
Bikes 90268 94651172.7047148

2) select {[Measures].[Order Quantity], [Measures].[Sales Revenue]} on
on rows from [quick start sales view]

OrderQuantity Sales Revenue
Bikes 90268 94651172.7047148
Clothing 73670 2120542.524801

Note: When you are using more than one member one has to use "()" to
put each member and seperate them by ","

3) select {[Measures].[Order Quantity], [Measures].[Sales Revenue]} on
columns, {[product].[categories].[product category].members} on rows
from [quick start sales view]

OrderQuantity Sales Revenue
Bikes 90268 94651172.7047148
Components 4904 11802593.2864
Clothing 73670 2120542.524801
Accessories 8654 21586524.484
Unknonw null null

4) select {[Measures].[Order Quantity], [Measures].[Sales Revenue]} on
columns, {[product].[categories].[product category].members} on rows
from [quick start sales view] where [time
dimension].[calendar].[calendar 2001]

OrderQuantity Sales Revenue
Bikes 20268 4651172.7047148
Components 1904 1802593.2864
Clothing 11670 120542.524801
Accessories 4654 1586524.484
Unknonw null null

Note: this data is for a single calendar year by using the WHERE Clause

KPI - KeyPerformanceIndicator - Why they are at backend, they are
supposed to be at frontface as they are similar to Dashboard.

Note: These exists from quite a long time in the industry, but are new
from Microsoft's pespective and for the first time they have included
them in their product

MicroSoft Dashboard Manager or KPI Manager

Scorecard - is the information that is WRT other information
DrillThrough - Is another feature that every OLAP tool should support.

MLOP - Is the +vesFastest storage ModeRetrival is Fast-ve is Latency

RLOP - will only create the Cube and the data is still there in RDBMS

HOLAP - Details data is still there in RDBMS, where as Aggrigates are
stored at Dimensional Model, inotherwords, in Cubes

Your client has a cube that is set to process for every 2 hrs

If you have something to share in person on this post, pl drop me a mail at with the title in the subject.


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