What's new in .NET v3.5 sp1

Microsoft has released .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 on 11th August 2008. Do you believe if I mention here that when compared to the .NET v3.5 with .NET v3.5 SP1, there are

  • 16 extra namespaces added
  • 525 new types are added
  • 5228 Fields are added along with
  • 22007 IL Instructions are added to v3.5 SP1 and
  • 631 Methods are removed from v3.5

Don't get surprised.. these are not my inventions. NDepend is a tool that will help you to understand any given assembly. Patrick Smacchia, an MVP for C# has a detailed note on his blog about the version differences. I recommend every one to give a look at his post, " .NET 3.5 SP1: Changes Overview "


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