Coding Standards – Cumulative information

I was reading some C# related stuff and came across of this post. I recollect that some time back I’ve written a post about coding guidelines. My post is more in the same lines that of Amazedsaint’s conclusion. But he did a decent work in collecting all the currently available coding standards guides into one location.

After going thru all the documents, I came to a conclusion that all the documents are highlighting their major part in the naming conventions rather giving attention at the actual standards that matter for the effective coding. Every developer / expert writes about their experience in coding and convey that in certain situations, certain coding practices makes a big sense.

Having reading all such posts and looking at the current collection by Amazedsaint, I now decided to collect such best practice posts and present them here. This is my next TODO.  Until such time, I start collecting, here is a sample post about Javascript SWITCH case and how it can be converted in C#.


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