Transaction Properties : ACID

I've been trying to chakout the ACID, from quite a long time.. and postponing the same, every time i think of it... today, i decided to draft what i mean for ACID

As every one know, ACID means

  • Atomicity
  • Consistent
  • Isolated
  • Durability
This is common from high level understanding, what about in detail? In this post, i'm trying to post all my understanding about these 4 buzz words, correct me if i'm mistaken (or) miss spelled

Atomicity: this is in general talks about the changes or activities that are supposed to be happen in the given transaction. Inother words, all the changes that influence on the resource must happen on a single process or thread or operation, means on any kind of exception, the enitre thread has to be aborted. I recollect some statement from some of MSDN Magazine, "Every thing in the universe stops, the changes are made, and then every thing resumes"

Consistent: means the transaction should be on a crystal clear state of Yes or No, intoher words, Completed or Failed.. Hence the transaction will result in logical state instead of abiguity

Isolated: explains that, none other than the owner is allowed to peek into the process, while executing. Inother words, no other entity is able to see the intermediate state of the resource during the transaction

Durability: tells that, the result of any process should remain constant with the time, inother words, the results of a sucessful transaction are to be persisted

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