Keep the system active, to avoid the auto lock

Most of the corporate offices will have a policy for screen locking. While working with a long running applications at background, like the automation scripts for testing the applications, it would be difficult to maintain the unlock state of the screen. Thus, we found a technique to keep the system active with a cheating technique.

Below is the powershall scripts that keeps the system active

' I am clicking on NUMLOCK for every 5 seconds to keep the system awake
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")'to get user name
numOfHours=inputbox("Hi " & objNetwork.UserName & ", How many hours you want me to be awake? :->") 'time variable conatins the time in hours
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Creating an object for clicking keys from keyboard
numOfMilliSecs=numOfHours*3600*1000 'converting hours to milli seconds
While numOfMilliSecs>0 'runs until tym becomes zero
WshShell.SendKeys "{NUMLOCK}" 'clicking on NUMLOCK
Wscript.Sleep 5000 'sleep for 5 seconds
numOfMilliSecs=numOfMilliSecs-5000 'decreasing time by 5 seconds
Wend 'end of loop

Everyone is allowed to copy and use or modify at your style.

If you have something to share in person on this post, pl drop me a mail at with the title in the subject.


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