
Showing posts from 2006

Enterprise Library 3.0 is out and ready for download

OOOOOps... it is quite long time that i posted in this month... The silence is due to lack of access to the system and time. Been on vacation and most of the time working due to preparation towards vacation. Finally here i'm.. During the last weekend, Microsoft officially launched the EntLib Ver 3.0 from Codeplex . Did you download and tried that out ? They have placed a section exclusively for EntLib , all the latest patterns & practices are found here . Do you know this ? ----------------------- If you have something to share in person on this post, pl drop me a mail at with the title in the subject.

BizTalk Training - This week

This week, am undergoing BizTalk Server 2006 training, let's see what i gain from there and will post all the data that i learn there. ----------------------- If you have something to share in person on this post, pl drop me a mail at with the title in the subject.

XML - A Decade

Do you believe that XML took 10 years to penetrate into the industry and become a backbone for the datatransfer mechanism? IBM published a white paper on this with the title as " Celebrating 10Yrs of XML ", an interesting article. Worth reading, suggested to read and have a copy in your personal library. ----------------------- If you have something to share in person on this post, pl drop me a mail at with the title in the subject.

Notes on 3rd Day Training

Christopher Richard - Is the faculty for this training MDX - Multi Dimension eXpression MDX is a Key to all advanced functionality in Analysis Server JimRoy Number -- ? Books To Read to get to know more in detail about OLAPDM - 1) Datawarehouse Toolkit, A complete guide for DM - Ralf Kimble, Willy Pubs 2) MDX - MDX Solutions for SQL2005 and HyperonSpace - George Spafford, Willy pubs Difinitions in OLAP Slice - Members of one dimension Dice - Members of more than one dimension display A Cube can have upto 128 DimensionsMDX can have upto 64 Axes While fetching the Level name can't preccede the member name MDX Query Example 1) select {[Measures].[Order Quantity], [Measures].[Sales Revenue]} on columns, {[product].[categories].[bikes]} on rows from [quick start sales view] Result: OrderQuantity Sales Revenue Bikes 90268 94651172.7047148 2) select {[Measures].[Order Quantity], [Measures].[Sales Revenue]} on columns, {([product].[categories].[bikes]),([product].[categories].[clot...

Training Notes on 2nd Day of SQL Analysis Sever

Realtime Warehouse - Do we really have such thing ?You can't analyse the data when it is not consistent for some time Find the difference between - ER Model Vs Dimensional Model Dimensional Model rules 1) Almost Dimensions Tables are mostly refered 1 to many to Fact Table 2) Summerizable numerical values are Measures 3) Dimension is an indipendent entity of a specific concept. For example Jan, Feb, Mar, etc are Time dimension and India, USA, Russia, etc are location dimension blah blah 4) Every thing that you see in world are grouped 5) From one Dimension one or more hierarchy is created 6) Think for only ANALYSIS, but not for information that is hidden and unwanted. The prime target of this tool is only to understand the progress and analyse the business but not for getting the details of the transacion 7) Remember that, how better you can give the user the Drill down capability Customers - Dimension ID CustName City State Country MaritalStatus Gender Tel eMail How many hirarchies...

Interesting Tips from AcitveWin

ActiveWin is a forum that is similar other forums by microsoft towards the knowledge share. They have a section called Tips under the name of TechTips, with general and regular tips contributed by users from across the globe. Though it is lastly updated on 24th June 2004, has some useful tips. Try some from there.

Understanding Security - MSDN

With the mentioned title, you have a special section for Security at MSDN . This section has many details explaind in simple. You have Webcasts , Trainings and Events listed there. Did you see that?

Windows Vista Team Blog for public

Windows Vista Team from Microsoft had initiated a blog and opened for external people to post their views and reviews. It is an initiative of first kind from Microsoft opening such a public forum even before the actual product comes into market. This forum started way back duing Apr 2006. Many of the Vista Team members are contributing their knowledge in terms of articles / news about the new releases / examples / blah.. blah.. Did you read any article from ?

CLR Inside out - MSDN Magazine

Nov 2006 issue from MSDN Magazine has an interesting article about CLR. I've read for about thrice, still wanted to read for one more time. I read this article not just i don't understand, but every time i read the article it teaches me some new thing. And it leaves me with such a strange feeling that i know less in .net. It talks about many-a-things like GC Performance, Diff counters that can be given attention while dealing with CLR, blah.. blah.. Did you read this article ?

MSN Messanger 8.1 - Ready

MSN Messanger v8.1 is ready to download. Did you try this? And some of the cool features of this messanger as a startup for a new revolution, 2 VOIP calls free, in other words, PC-to-phone calling with 2 free calls to virtually any phone in the world. For the first time, i could see our project name and company's name at the Microsoft website. Read the last lines as mentioned bellow *With XXXXXXX Web Calling , you can make two free three-minute phone calls to virtually any landline or cell phone worldwide. Offer applies to new Verizon Web Calling customers only.

AppVerifier - Tool for Unmanaged code

AppVerifier is simply explained at this tutorial . And i suggest every .NET developer should read this, as this gives you an extra notch to understand how the code is managed and the developer should be aware of .. This article also explains in step-by-step with images for each step. What do you say?

Must read articles

1) Michael Sutton , recently posted an article titled, " Top 10 signs you have an insecure Web App ". Great study, i thought of posting some thing similar such from long sime time. 2) Cross-Site Scripting : Attacker's New favorite flaw

Vista Reviews

DarkReading , is popular for critising. Y'day, they have published an article, " Microsoft beckons early adopters ", talking about Vista. Interesting topic to read the views of an end user of a product from Microsoft. This article is really impartial and talks about more indetails from the purspective of a realy USER. What your comments on this?

Coding4Fun Blog

This blog from Microsoft, is really cool and has many interesting projects coded and explained in simple words. There are projects like Screen Savers, Photo Booths , Disco Floor , Skype Home , X10 , CD Tray, blah.. blah.. wow.. Out of all my pick of the day is X10 . Read about this with out fail. What do you say ?

Security in ASP.NET

While going through MSDN articles, came across an article about the mentioned subject. This article is really cool and explains from the basics of the Security to high level. I've never come across of such detailed, fully explained version on this topic. I'll try to take a printout of this. What do you say?

MAX from Microsoft

Max from Microsoft is ready roll out with full features. Y'day they have announced the closing of the survey or feedback from the external world. The code name Max seems to be more or a tool that has many a features from Riya , RSS Reader, blah.. blah.. Did you try this?


Hey, with the last post i've completed 100 postings... what a great slow start.. let's see where will i go with what accelaration... it's party time ...

.NET Framework 3.0 Website

Microsoft recently started a website for .NET Framework 3.0 and the RC1 is ready for download from there. This site seems to be really interesting and could find lots of lots of lots of lots of information, did you visited that ?

MSDN New look

At the welcome page of MSDN Library , there is a new link redirecting to the new look and feel for the MSDN Libraray. Anyhow, as New always interesting, this new look is also eye-catchy. Did you see that ?

Orcus Forums

Recently a new forum is being initiated at Microsoft MSND Forums with the title being, " Visual Studio Orcus " Did you try this?

Bolgs at MSDN by Tags

Do you know that you can reach people who blog on a specific topic at MSDNBlogs? There is a way, go to Here you see different topics and click on them to see, who blogs on that topic. Generally i have a feed to common and from there read all posts that interest me. Did you try this ?

USING - C# Key word

I've been asking a question about this key word on every interview. Most of them think that this is used only to reference the base class, apart of that, there is also a great usage with this key word. This key word, USING, can be used to destroy the objects (automatically) when they are no longer required in the memory. At times, the developer will forget to write the code to destroy the created objects. These objects pile up on system memory and wait for the GC to collect and clean them. How it would be if they are cleanned as soon they finish their requirement? That would be great coding and you are reducing the work for GC during the collection process. Here is how to accomplish the same. First, implement the IDisposable interface on the object that you are planning to implement automatic collection and allow CLR to release the allocated memory as soon this object is no longer required. class SmpCls: IDisposable { void IDisposable.Dispose() { Console.WriteLine("Disposing t...

Encyclopedia for C#

Recently Micorsoft lanuched a single place for all C# related. It is called C# , a portal similar like Wikipedia. A great initiative. What do you say ?

Phoenix & Microsoft

This year Microsoft celebrating its 15th Anniversary of it's Research wing. One among the next 15 yrs goal is Phoenix. The description about the new product from Microsoft goes like this, Phoenix is the code name for a software optimization and analysis framework that is the basis for all future Microsoft compiler technologies Isn't it curious to read about the information about the same?

Loadtesting Web Application

This is the post that i've been trying to do / trying to search for... From starting developing web applications on .NET, wondering about the testing the same. In the early days of, i used to depend on Application Center Test. Some how i'm happy with that but curious to know a better tool. BTW what kind of tool that you used ? or what kind of tool that you suggest... PS: I've also used Ants profiler and one more.. i don't remember the same, but keep suggesting me apart of these

Memory Leaking - Full Story by an (MS) internal Debugger

While reading some information about windbg, came across of a blog by Tess , an internal debugger of Microsoft. Well, i've not see all her posts, but this post explins the memory leakage in .NET and cool article. A must read for every developer to get the internals of GC and other activities in .NET Framework.

Transaction Properties : ACID

I've been trying to chakout the ACID , from quite a long time.. and postponing the same, every time i think of it... today, i decided to draft what i mean for ACID As every one know, ACID means A tomicity C onsistent I solated D urability This is common from high level understanding, what about in detail? In this post, i'm trying to post all my understanding about these 4 buzz words, correct me if i'm mistaken (or) miss spelled Atomicity : this is in general talks about the changes or activities that are supposed to be happen in the given transaction. Inother words, all the changes that influence on the resource must happen on a single process or thread or operation , means on any kind of exception, the enitre thread has to be aborted. I recollect some statement from some of MSDN Magazine, " Every thing in the universe stops, the changes are made, and then every thing resumes " Consistent : means the transaction should be on a crystal clear state of Yes or No, in...

Top 10 Interview Mistakes

eWeek, published the to 10 mistakes that can happen during any interview and how to understand them. This is really nice and meaningful. As a participant, the things that every one need to understand these. Did you go through these ?

Characteristics of Class to become an Object

We all know that an object is the instatnce of any given class, are we really sure that every class code can be instantiated as Object ?!#$%^* Is there any thing that is hidden behind the screen of "CLASS". Is any piece of code that is embedded with in "{" and "}" can be considered as "Class"? During my study with, i come to a conclusion that, the following features are must for any piece of code to be instantiate as an object. 0) Type 1) Only one Distructor allowed per class 2) Indexer facility should be provided 3) Default Constructor 4) Parameterised Constructor 5) Constant 6) Fields 7) Properties 8) Methods 9) Events If any given code / class that supports all these features, that can be considered for instantiating as an Object. What do you say ?

July Release Software Factory

During this month, July 2006, Microsoft released 2 new articles at "Patterns & Practices" namely Mobile Client Software Factory Webservice Software Factory I've tried the Webserice Factory, and yet to try out the Mobile. Did you any?

VISTA by a Linux guy

While reading some of the blogs, i come across this blog . This blogs seems to belong to a Linux guy. At this post he defines VISTA in a -ve way. Common Tux, better be positive. Entire world talkes better about the technology, and you are expressing your narrow thoughts, is not good for your health and status. Better change.

Good resource for SQL Server Commands

Dyess Consulting maintains a Whole site dedicated for SQL Server commands. It explains most of the commands that will be in general required by any Database Programmer / DBA. I've learned a lot from this page , this can be used as a quick reference for SQL Server related issues.

Good Resource for offline Learning

Today while going through Microsoft technet, I found a good resource for the webcasts and multimedia. This link is truly a good resource for offline understanding of few good topics like Threat Modelling, AD Infrastructure, SQL Server 2005 at Microsoft, bla.. bla.. Did you read and downloaded these ?

I'm now a Database Programmer

Now-a-days i'm writing SQL Server Triggers and StoredProcedures while working with the current project. During the process of recollecting my database knowledge, it took me a little time but finally with much difficulty completed the first task. My past experience handling Database is with Oracle 7x/8.1.5 and 8.1.6, while developing the triggers / cursors / stored procedures / for that matter on every moment i recollect the Oracle Syntax and get confuse with the SQL Server Syntax. Just as an example, Oracle Supports SEQUENCE where as SQL SERVER supports the same facility as IDENTITY column as auto number. Similar such, many-a-things, but thank god for giving me a great ability to learn technology with a great pace. During this process i visited Did you visit these?

New Blog at MSMVPS.ORG

Y'day i've recieved a mail from Susan, giving me an oppertunity to blog at MSMVPS.ORG. Though not excited, but really felt happy to have my blog name next to such big guns having a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge knowledge treasure. Click here to read my Bolg at MSMVPS.COM As my professional career is oscillating at extremes, couldn't decide which topic to blog on. Anyhow, as i'm currently doing here, let me share what all i learn during my experience.

Blogging using w.blogger

w.blogger textw.blogger has a client side tool that will allow you to post at your blog. I'm trying for the first time, i thought it posts and publishes automatically... Unfortunately, i've to login to my Blogger Account and publish it, as this post is saved as Draft. Is there any tool that allows me to post directly from my desktop? I'm connected 24X7. Any clue?

CodePlex - To Share among the fellow developers

A place where developers across the globe can share their projects and a best example for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. Today i've registered when there were only 14 Projects are in place to start with, soon this will be a great community for the Open Source (Share) developers. Are you there?

WiMo - An Initiative from MS

What's WiMo ... ?!@#$% ^&* WiMo is the the Windows Mobile Robot. The name comes from the "Wi" from "Windows" and "Mo" from "Mobile" and is pronounced "Weemo" (think of it like a Spanish pronounciation). These words i copied from Windows Mobile Team Blog . On 13th May, 2006, Brain posted the details of WiMo. This is surely a piece of example what a windows Mobile 5.0 is and it's new APIs can deliver... There is a small presentation on Channel 9 on WiMo in Action.. though the download is not working, it is playing online... i would suggest you to increase your buffer time in your Windows Media Player and them start the presention... What do you say?

Recent Milestone by XYKA

This is the first time in my life, i'm reading about my employer in public. ClickHere to read the article from PRWeb. I'm proud that i'm also involved in that project, though a little component that transfers data from the wine collectors to the warehouse. What do you say?

My work at XYKA

It is really quite long time to post the new happenings in my life and learning ... As the title says, I’m currently working with XYKA as Project Lead. The interesting part working here is the current project. Xyka owns a travel product and is now integrating with different partners across the globe towards reservation related issues. My interest is not to disclose the internals of the product, but to throw light on what I’m working. The UI of this product is common for different partners that are integrated with this product. As the UI is in-place working fine and with out errors, now it is the time to develop an interface to integrate the same UI with one of their other partner. The partner results data in XML Format and this product expects data in a Class objects. Now it is my turn to work on XML DataIlands to convert these pieces of data from the partner WebXMLInterface to the product’s class objects. A picture is worth of 1000 words, here comes the picture.. The partner system e...

WinFX .. What is it?

How many people know about WinFX (though not in detail but on a overview)? I was not clear till i read Ian Moulster's blog. Moulster, discuss and explins indetail at this thread about WinFX. His tag line (Translating Microsoft Technology into plain English) suits best. Did you read this?

New Blogs - Statistics

I can’t believe these statistics … There were about 75,000 new blogs per day, 1.2 Million new blog posts each which means a new blog created on ever second of the day and 50,000 posts an hour… !@#$ Source: Sifry

CASE Usage in SQL

Problem: Write a query using the following table. The requirement is, result all the details " less than 20000" in ascending order and salary "greater than 20000" in descending order Name Salary Karthik 25000 Samuel 32000 John 17000 Murali 28000 Syam 15000 Output should be Name Salary Syam 15000 John 17000 Samuel 32000 Murali 28000 Karthik 25000 Query is: Select * From Order by (Case When Salary 20000 Then -Salary Else null end)

Daily Scrum Rules

Today, while reading about the patches for Teamsystem, came across of Rules to follow while conducting Scrum. This data found from Scrumforteamsuit product website. As the website says, this product is developed by Conchango in collaboration with Ken Schwaber and Microsoft. At this point of time, I need to mention about Ken Schwaber, Ken Schwaber co-developed the Scrum Process with Jeff Sutherland in the early 1990s. Visit Ken’s website to learn more on Scrum. Here are the guidelines or thumb rules during the scrum participation. Let me see, how this will work out for me. Hold the Daily Scrum in the same place at the same time every work day . The best time for the meeting is first thing in the day so that Team members think about what they did the day before and what they plan to do today . All Team members are required to attend . If for some reason a Team member can't attend in person, the absent member must either attend by telephone or by having another Team member rep...

Security Related Docs

Today, while searching for information related to Phishing attacks , I came across of a white paper published by “ NGS (Next Generation Software)”. The whitepapers link has great information related to Security threats and the prevention mechanisms. Great research information at single location. Must have a copy in your library. I had one, did you?

Security Shoot Out Contest

Are you ready to secure your code? Well i'm ready and prepared to shoot out the threats to my code. Microsoft is conducting a contest for all the developers to prove their skills on securing code. I've registered to this contest, did you? Wish me all the best for the first round..

Building Secure ASP.NET Applications

Today, i come across of an article Microsoft Patterns & Practices about the mentioned title. This article explains in details about developing webapps using ASP.NET in most secured way. Along with this, i also have come across of Installing SSL Certificate with IIS on Web Servers. Great Articles. Did you read them?

IT Capabilities Assessment Tool

Do you want to check your IT Capabilities... Try this tool. The concept of this tool is from Keystone Strategy , but developed by Microsoft under the direction of a professor of Harvard Business School... All the big names came out with a small tool to help you to assess yourself before others do. Why are you waiting ... try out this and learn about your self.

RACI Chart

  RACI stands for R esponsible (the role responsible for performing the task) A ccountable (the role with overall responsibility for the task) C onsulted (people who provide input to help perform the task) Keep I nformed (people with a vested interest who should be kept informed) Tasks Architect Administrator Developer Tester Performance Goals A R C I Performance Modeling A I I I Performance Design Principles A I I   Performance Architecture A C I   Architecture and Design Review R I I   Code Development ...

RPC and Services

The main difference while using RPC and Services is the application boundary.   RPCs are best suitable if your application is with in the known boundaries, where as Services are the ultimate if requests are across the application. Services are best option for the Web Applications, where as RPC are for Remoting purpose.   What do you say?  

SOA vs Objects

Some of the differences between the SOA and OOPs are as mentioned below. These are out of my observations and personal experience only. Please refer your knowledge and information available for you.   SOA OOPs These are Schemas These are Types These are isolated Linked Contains separate deployment Synchronized Deployment Interoperable based on standards Transparent use of functions remotely   Comments please..

.NET Apps Performance

Today I come across of an article from Patterns & Practices, about measuring the .NET application's performance. This article throws light on all the ways that you can check for the performance for the application designed using .NET.   Most of them, though exists prior to .NET, but I guess people are not given importance to them. To name a few tools like NETSTAT, which gives you the information about the number of TCP connections are used.. honestly, I have never come to know about this prior coming to .NET   Click here to read and learn about all the possible ways to investigate and measure the performance of your application and other related issues.   What do you say?  

JavaScript Trim Function

You have a Trim functionality on the server side, but what about at client side? Do we have some thing like Trim mechanism for client side scripts?   I guess, there is nothing like that... but I found a way to trim the given string.   // Replaces the trailing and leading spaces of a given string function trim(str) {     return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,""); }   The above function returns the string after trimming. I'm posting this here, so that I can recollect as and when I want, instead of googling..   What do you say?  

Finally ... Origami is UMPC

All the secrets are unveiled for the Origami  Project.. It is all about a new mobile with a small computer. In other words they call it as Ultra Mobile PC   Check the latest from Microsoft related to this at   I'm eager to see how it looks like and other financial related issues... so that I can target to buy one..   Till yesterday I'm in a thought of buying a tablet pc, now after seeing this in demo state, hope I can buy this during May or June..   Any clues about the financial issues?