
Showing posts from March, 2006

RACI Chart

  RACI stands for R esponsible (the role responsible for performing the task) A ccountable (the role with overall responsibility for the task) C onsulted (people who provide input to help perform the task) Keep I nformed (people with a vested interest who should be kept informed) Tasks Architect Administrator Developer Tester Performance Goals A R C I Performance Modeling A I I I Performance Design Principles A I I   Performance Architecture A C I   Architecture and Design Review R I I   Code Development ...

RPC and Services

The main difference while using RPC and Services is the application boundary.   RPCs are best suitable if your application is with in the known boundaries, where as Services are the ultimate if requests are across the application. Services are best option for the Web Applications, where as RPC are for Remoting purpose.   What do you say?  

SOA vs Objects

Some of the differences between the SOA and OOPs are as mentioned below. These are out of my observations and personal experience only. Please refer your knowledge and information available for you.   SOA OOPs These are Schemas These are Types These are isolated Linked Contains separate deployment Synchronized Deployment Interoperable based on standards Transparent use of functions remotely   Comments please..

.NET Apps Performance

Today I come across of an article from Patterns & Practices, about measuring the .NET application's performance. This article throws light on all the ways that you can check for the performance for the application designed using .NET.   Most of them, though exists prior to .NET, but I guess people are not given importance to them. To name a few tools like NETSTAT, which gives you the information about the number of TCP connections are used.. honestly, I have never come to know about this prior coming to .NET   Click here to read and learn about all the possible ways to investigate and measure the performance of your application and other related issues.   What do you say?  

JavaScript Trim Function

You have a Trim functionality on the server side, but what about at client side? Do we have some thing like Trim mechanism for client side scripts?   I guess, there is nothing like that... but I found a way to trim the given string.   // Replaces the trailing and leading spaces of a given string function trim(str) {     return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,""); }   The above function returns the string after trimming. I'm posting this here, so that I can recollect as and when I want, instead of googling..   What do you say?  

Finally ... Origami is UMPC

All the secrets are unveiled for the Origami  Project.. It is all about a new mobile with a small computer. In other words they call it as Ultra Mobile PC   Check the latest from Microsoft related to this at   I'm eager to see how it looks like and other financial related issues... so that I can target to buy one..   Till yesterday I'm in a thought of buying a tablet pc, now after seeing this in demo state, hope I can buy this during May or June..   Any clues about the financial issues?  

Unloading Assembly

Do you know that, there is no possibility to unload the assembly from the run time. The only possibility to unload the assembly is to unload the AppDomain as the CLR that binds them to respective process.   You might be wondering about, why one should unload the assembly at run time?   Though I sound strange, I feel that there could be at least 2 reasons that enforce me as a developer to unload the assembly from run time.   Point A) When my server is running out of space -- rarely this happens Point B) when my application compiles a newer version of the assembly to replace the existing one.. Yes this happens often, specially with web apps. As and when you compile your project and deploy to the new location either you have to stop your iis or you have to restart your app from the iis.   Instead of all these manual process, I think that, developing application with the AppDomain concept and cache all the assemblies before the system resource...

Directly storing values in the TD tags

I recollect some mechanism, via which you can directly store the values between the TD tags, ie HTML table data tags.   By this method you can avoid the HTML controls like Textbox, TextArea bla.. bla..   First design your table properly and give id name to the respective TD tags. For example   <table id="mainTable" width = 100%>     <tr>         <td id=" fstVal "> First Value </td>         <td id=" sndVal "> Second Value </td>     </tr> </table>   Now all you have to do is in your jscript by using the document.getElementById('fstVal') = 'Third Value';   What do you say.. did that work for you? But me..  

Night & Day Programmers

All these days we heard about day dreamers and night dreamers.. But have you ever come across of Day Programmers and Night Programmers?   Mitch Denny, at his blog, explains the characters to define the category. Interestingly, I fall in Night Programmers. And also incidentally, I work better in the late hours of the day, rather in the early hrs. Our current office starts at 7 am, you can imagine how sleepy I'm. Most of my productivity is from the evening hrs.. surprisingly, our office closes by 3:30.. that's the time I get fully charged with the mood to work.   BTW Which category you belong to?   If my project controller reads this .. he he he.. if he doesn't read this, don't tell him..   Palani: Don't think I'm wasting my morning hrs..  

Chips in Human Body

I started my career as Faculty for Computer Subjects. During those days, I used to tell the students about the HW Generations.. To my study and observations, we are currently in 5th Generation which is called as AI - Artificial Intelligence .   Though, you are aware of all the 4 other ... just to throw light on them a little...   1st Generation used Vacuum tubes to build the Computers. The dates could be between Mid 40s to mid 50s of 19th century 2nd Generation used  transistors and resistors replacing the Vacuum tubes. The dates could be between mid 50s to late 60s 3rd Generation can be divided into 2 parts. First part is the advance of Integrated Chips , the transistors were miniatured resulting the semi conductors. Second part is the revolution brought by LSI (Large Scale Integration) and VLSI (Very LSI). Dates for these can be considered as entire 70s and early 80s.. 4th Generation can be called as Microprocessors. T...

KPL - Another Programming Language

KPL - Another programming language for Kids. Though not an initiative from Microsoft, but supported and officially promoted via Channel 9. Currently KPL IDE supports nearly 15 languages across the globe.   Can you believe if I mention here that, KPL code can directly translate into C# like language?   Checkout your self from the site.. Regards, DSK Chakravarthy Sr. Software Engineer Mercator – Member of the Emirates Group Area 2, 7 th Floor, Al – Fattan Plaza, Post Box – 686, Dubai, UAE Desk +971 (0)4 213 3115 Fax +971 (0)4 213 3998 Mobile +971 (50) 281 9972         

Date Validation on Text Field

Here comes the code that checks for the date entry. This event can be called on either KEY DOWN or ONBLUR event of the text box function ChkDtG(item) { var vDd2Digs; var vMn2Digs; var vYr4Digs; var vChkDt = item.value; vDd2Digs = vChkDt.substr(0,2); vMn2Digs = vChkDt.substr(3,2); vYr4Digs = vChkDt.substr(6,4); var vTf = true; if(vDd2Digs == '00' vMn2Digs == '00' vYr4Digs == '0000' vMn2Digs > 12 vDd2Digs > 31 vYr4Digs 31){vTf=false;}if(vMn2Digs == 2 vMn2Digs == 4 vMn2Digs == 6 vMn2Digs == 9 vMn2Digs == 11) {if(vDd2Digs>30){vTf=false;}}} if(vMn2Digs == 2) {var vMdRe = (vYr4Digs % 4);if(vMdRe == 0){if(vDd2Digs > 29){vTf = false;}}else{if(vDd2Digs > 28){vTf = false}}} if(vTf == false){alert(item.value + ' is invalid date ');item.value = "";item.focus();return false;} }

Earth is round

As the old saying says, life is a learning cycle.. day after night and night after day... Now-a-days, i started learning all the fundamentals of web computing. The current project is an intranet application. I started developing using Ajax. And all the controls are HTML instead of web controls. During this period, i'm breshing up all my ASP 2.0 days coding. Hence forth i'll be posting all the JavaScript coding that i learnt. These are out of my search or research.. Comments please..