Unloading Assembly
Do you know that, there is no possibility to unload the assembly from the run time. The only possibility to unload the assembly is to unload the AppDomain as the CLR that binds them to respective process.
You might be wondering about, why one should unload the assembly at run time?
Though I sound strange, I feel that there could be at least 2 reasons that enforce me as a developer to unload the assembly from run time.
Point A) When my server is running out of space -- rarely this happens
Point B) when my application compiles a newer version of the assembly to replace the existing one.. Yes this happens often, specially with web apps. As and when you compile your project and deploy to the new location either you have to stop your iis or you have to restart your app from the iis.
Instead of all these manual process, I think that, developing application with the AppDomain concept and cache all the assemblies before the system resource lock my assemblies. so that you can easily deploy your web apps when any of your component is modified.
What do you say?